Tips to start exercising today


If "I'll start tomorrow" is more of a regular part of your life than actual exercise, don't worry: you're not alone.  Whether due to lack of motivation or simply not knowing where to start, this feeling is common, but physical activities can surprise us – in a positive way.

 To take exercise off paper and incorporate it into your routine, check out tips on how to get started, from proper warm-up to the importance of rest days.

 Clarity your goals

 Before you begin, you should have a firm understanding of what you want to achieve from the exercise.  Want to lose weight, tone up, get in shape to run a marathon, or just start building good health habits?  By answering these questions, you can better decide what to do and how often.  For example, if your goal is to burn as many calories as you can while exercising, jumping rope might be perfect.

Stretch out

 Recommended practice to improve flexibility and muscle relaxation, stretching is a great ally in preparing the body for gymnastics or any physical activity.  It's also the one that helps relieve joint overload during movements - from a simple daily routine to the most complex and difficult exercises.

 Start slow

 Those who start with physical activity can get too excited and exaggerate.  However, going to the gym every day can backfire.  Your body needs recovery time between workouts to allow your muscles to rebuild while keeping inflammation at bay.  So, in the beginning it's best to exercise two to four times a week and never more than two days in a row.

Find something you like

 When you first start exercising, it may take a bit of trial and error to find something you really enjoy, but the important thing is to have fun while exercising: as the benefits kick in, you'll still get the bonus of having fun. , and it's getting harder and harder to get discouraged on the most complicated days.

 Have a schedule

 You will have much more success with your workouts and your results if you create a definite plan.  If you have more energy in the morning, try exercising before work.  If an evening workout fits your schedule better, do it after work.  As long as you're consistent, you'll get the results you're looking for.

Stay motivated

 As at the start of any new task, you'll likely feel a rush of inspiration to get to work.  But maintaining that feeling can be a struggle at times.  If so, managing your self-talk can help you stay motivated.  Positive self-talk can help us stay motivated when we don't feel like hitting the gym.

Go out for a walk

 It sounds simple, but it's important not to underestimate the benefits of a simple walk - one of the easiest ways to get started.  By changing your route, adding a climb or increasing your speed, you can easily track your progress and increase the intensity on your own.

 Do not compensate with food

 While an occasional treat is allowed as a "reward" for exercise, it's important to remember that exercise doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want.  That way, you're just adding up every calorie you burn, making it harder to change.  A new healthy lifestyle includes not only exercise but also a healthier diet..


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