2 Books Everyone Should Read

 If we sit down to talk, I'll indicate several different readings, I love it, and today today I brought 2 books that everyone should read.  In my opinion!

 I love to read and I'm always looking for different topics, I've been reading about personal development, entrepreneurship... among others because life is not just work and I also need to have fun.

 Today we're going to talk about personal development and these 2 books that everyone should read, at least I think so.

 But why do you think that?  First, because I understood that this entrepreneurial life has to start in our heads, our mindset has to work in a different way than those who like employees and just do what they say.  It's choices and everyone has to do what makes you happy!

 These were the first two I read that started to make me look at things in a different way, both my relationship with money and success.

 2 Books Everyone Should Read

 The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

 I got the book “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” from my mother a few years ago, actually she gave it to my ex-husband, but I ended up keeping it.  At the time I didn't give the poor guy much leash and he was left in a corner.

 Until in January 2019 I decided that I really needed to change some things in my life and I picked up the book to read and study.  I was finally prepared for that moment.

 Right away he talks about the way of thinking of rich and poor people and how it interferes with our relationship with money.  According to T. Harvey Eker, “the influences we receive in childhood shape our financial model and can lead us to self-destructive thoughts and habits.”

 Then you will think, so I was born poor, will I die poor?  No!!!  This is the really good part of the book, it teaches you to make statements that will help you replace your negative ways of thinking with “wealth files” as he says.  The idea is to teach you strategies to increase your income and build your wealth, starting with your way of thinking and reacting to certain situations.

 The book is divided into two parts, in the first he talks about “Your model of money” and in the second about “The wealth archives”.  During the reading you will find different "wealth principles", example: "Your income grows as you grow."  or “If you want to change the fruits, first you have to change the roots – when you want to change what is visible, you must first change what is invisible.”  And you'll also learn wealth statements and you'll learn how to have "a millionaire mind".

 Find the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind on Amazon

 The Success Cycle

 After reading "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" I went to research other books, I found "The Success Cycle" and the title caught my attention.  Of course I want a successful cycle for my life.

 This book talks about self-confidence, "what would you do differently if you had absolute guarantee of success in any endeavor?".  This is a question found right at the beginning of the book and makes us reflect a lot.  According to the author, when we trust ourselves more, we feel more capable, our goals and plans become higher and bolder.

 “With heightened self-confidence, we dare and imagine more;  we give free rein to creativity and are more willing to experiment with new and different ideas and other ways of doing things;  we are willing to consider unusual and risky alternatives and to sincerely commit ourselves to projects that, without that courage, would remain only in the background of our minds.”

 Find The Success Cycle book on Amazon

 One thing these books show is that we are responsible for what we have and what we achieve, no blaming anyone, there is no mimimi around here.  Believe in yourself, take responsibility for your life, your actions, take the necessary steps and let's grow!

 Do you like books like this?  What other title do you suggest?  Leave it here in the comments!


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